Thyroid Scan

Preparation Requirements
Total duration of study:

40 minutes

Scanning time:

Approximately 40 minutes per image.



Breast feeding:

Stopped 24 hours


See table below. Kindly have your clinician speak directly with Nuclear Physician for full preparation.


Recent TFT’s required.


Low iodine diet. Bring a snack for duration of study.

Previous studies:



Patient is encouraged to drink water prior and during study

Adrenocorticosteroids 1 week Bromides 1 week
Butazolidine 1 week Mercurials 1 week
Methimazole (Tapazole) 1 weekNitrates 1 week
Perchlorate 1 weekPropylthiouracil 1 week
Salicylates (large doses) 1 weekSulfonamides 1 week
Thiocyanate 1 weekTri-iodothyronine (Cytomel) 2 to 3 weeks
Thyroid extract (Synthroid, Proloid) 4 weeksIodine solution (Lugol’s or SSKI**) 4 weeks
Iodine-containing antiseptics 4weeksKelp 4 weeks
Some cough medicines and vitamin preparations 4 weeksIntravenous contrast agents 1 to 2 months
Oil-based iodinated contrast agents 3 to 6 monthsAmiodarone 3 to 6 months
**saturated solution of potassium iodide.